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Book aims to remember one of the most professional and interesting people of the 20th century. Gražina Kliagienė (1944-1995), Lithuanian art critic of the 1980s-100s. Short time of her life was colored not only by creative impulse and recognition, but also by the shadow of tragic events and uncontrollable destruction of personality. In monograph, we wanted to look at the creative legacy of the art critic from today's positions, reflecting more broadly on the principles of art criticism in general, and to collect as much as possible all of G. Kliaugienė's articles published in Lithuanian periodicals, art publications and catalogs. Reminiscences of contemporaries, written both shortly after the artist's death and a quarter of a century later, are also published.


Compiled by dr. Danutė Zovienė


Gražina Kliaugienė "With the truth"

  • ISBN 978-609-95888-1-0

    Number of pages: 491

    Format: 173x245 mm

    Released: in 2021

  • Compiled by: Dr. Danutė Zoviene

    Text authors: Kęstutis Šapoka, Jurgis Kunčinas, Audronė Jablonskienė, Aldona Dapkutė, Jūratė Stauskaitė, Viktoras Liutkus, Mindaugas Skudutis, Elena Nona Zavadskienė, Gediminas, Pranckūnas, Algimantas Jonas Kuras

    Design: VšĮ "Independent art critics"

    Language editor: Nijolė Tijunėlytė

    Edition: 500 copies

    Printing house: UAB "Petro offsetas"

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